Hennie King


I’m a writer and I’m hoping to be a published author.  I have written three stories for children, the overview and first section of each of which are on this site.  Currently, I’m working on a non-fiction book about recognising and working with an underlying reality that brings true magic to this world.  It’s a loving consciousness that we are part of, which is in everything.  This hidden side of life is full of surprises and is actually clear to see when we know how to look for it.  I have been learning how to work with it for many years now and this is what I want to pass on in my book as it helps each of us and our planet too, to feel happier, more resilient and loving.  

Writing is something I have always loved to do. I have kept a journal for many years. There have been many influences on my writing but three main themes come through, these being the pleasure I have had in raising five of my own children and working with children for many years; my love of nature and the natural world which contains a hidden, magical reality that has a lightness of touch; and my strong interest in healing, especially complimentary healing in its different forms. I studied homeopathy at ‘The Salisbury Homeopathy College,’ where I gained a degree in 2013 and practised until 2018 when my husband and myself retired. So, now I have far more time to dedicate to the things I love and one of these is writing.

Story 1 image

Thirteen-year-old Sophie Huggett’s parents have divorced and she and her brother have moved with their mother to another town. Sophie is finding it difficult to fit in, in her new environment. When an old crone appears on her doorstep one evening selling books Sophie’s world is turned upside down when she periodically ‘falls,’ into the story of the book she purchased. The story world she finds herself in and her everyday world get more and more tangled as portals open up between them, until finally she is stuck in the dark place of the story’s ‘Netherworld,’ until she finds the key to rescue not only herself but all the other prisoners too.

Chapter 1 available on Downloads
Story 2 image

Four elven brothers are taking an unusual chest they have found while playing in the woods to Father Omer, the wise, old gnome in the next village but en route Tall the brother carrying the chest is lifted off by an owl and taken to a castle many miles away. The story tells the adventures of Tall as he makes his way homeward and his three brothers as they go in search of him. The chest it seems has some interesting secrets, which many want a piece of.

Chapter 1 available on Downloads
Children of the Gods 

Four children of the Norse Gods discover an intriguing hole in a boggy moor while out playing one day in Asgard, the land of the Gods. They accidently fall through it into Midgard, the land of the humans. Here, they find a friend in Peter, a 1960’s schoolboy. They then astonish all whom they come across with their magic and outlandish behaviour, including venomous Madam Crogator the cruel housekeeper of the local Children’s Home.

Chapter 1 available on Downloads
Story 3 image
  • Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom


Children of the Gods
